Living with God’s Tensions Psalm Psalm 126 Tom Oates
Category: Uncategorized
What Would Jesus Do?
What Would Jesus Do? Mark Mark 2 Dave Vinton
Why Bother with Jesus?
Why Bother with Jesus? John John 11 Tim Foster
The Lord Around His People
The Lord Around His People Psalm Psalm 125 Tom Oates
If God is on Your Side, One is a Majority
If God is on Your Side, One is a Majority Psalm Psalm 124 Tom Oates
Faith under Pressure
Faith under Pressure Psalm Psalm 123 Tom Oates
What the Resurrection Means
What the Resurrection Means Easter Service Matthew 28 Tom Oates
The Truth of the Cross
The Truth of the Cross Luke Luke 23 Scott Haig
Understanding Christ’s Mission
Understanding Christ’s Mission Matthew Matthew 26 Tom Oates
High Church: The Biblical View of Church
High Church: The Biblical View of Church Psalm Psalm 122 Tom Oates