Bible Studies
Our small group Bible studies are an essential part of our church life. At every small group, we look at God’s word, apply it to our lives, and pray for one another. Many friendships have been made and deepened through our small groups. Grace Church endeavors to run small groups throughout the week to fit different schedules.
The women’s Bible study meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:45am in Greenwich. Contact: Brie Hong
The Wednesday Bible study meets at 7:30pm on Zoom. Contact: Remy Spezzano
The Thursday evening Bible study meets at 6:30pm at the Woman’s Club. Come at 6:00pm for dinner. Child care is provided. Contact: Kristine Camillone
The men’s Bible study meets on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am. Breakfast is provided. Contact: Jeremiah von Kühn
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is an informal course for people who’d like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus is, what he did, and what it means to follow him. Come and ask any question you like. Or, if you prefer, just come along and listen.
Membership Class
We encourage those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ to become members of the church. We run a membership class every year in September.
Summer Bible Club
Grace Church Summer Bible Club is a program for the children of Grace Church and their friends in the community to learn about Jesus Christ from the Bible in a fun and engaging way. We have Bible lessons, skits, music, crafts and games for K-5 children. All are welcome! Registration for 2025 is open – register here.

This year’s program will run from July 7-11, 2025. Please contact Kristine Camillone for more information.
Preaching Conference
Each fall, we host a one day preaching conference to encourage pastors in their expository preaching. We believe that preaching is central to the work of pastoral ministry. Our church motto is: “When the Bible is taught carefully, God’s voice is heard clearly.” In the past, we have hosted well known Bible expositors, including Dick Lucas, David Jackman, Christopher Ash, and Willie Philip.
Our next preaching conference will be on October 14, 2025. We very much look forward to welcoming Andy Gemmill as our speaker. Andy is the Director of Pastors Training Course and Co-Director at Cornhill- Scotland.
Book your place on EventBrite or by contacting Kristine Camillone .
What: A one day conference for preachers and Bible teachers
When: Tuesday, October 14, 9:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Where: The Woman’s Club of Greenwich, 89 Maple Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830
Speaker: Andy Gemmill, Director of Pastors Training Course and Co-Director at Cornhill – Scotlan
Cost: $15 before September 30th ($25 thereafter). Lunch is included.
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