The Cost of Discipleship Luke Luke 9:18–27 Tom Oates
Category: Uncategorized
The Mission of Jesus Christ
The Mission of Jesus Christ Luke Luke 9:1–17 Tom Oates
Praising and Adoring God in Prayer
Praising and Adoring God in Prayer Psalm Psalm 63 Gene Lee
The Conquest of Death by Jesus Christ
The Conquest of Death by Jesus Christ Luke Luke 8:40–41, 49-56 Tom Oates
Good News for the World
Good News for the World Romans Romans 1:8-17 Dan Hong
Jesus Christ is Savior Because He is Lord
Jesus Christ is Savior Because He is Lord Luke Luke 8:22–39 Tom Oates
A Summary of the Gospel
A Summary of the Gospel Romans Romans 1:1-7 Dan Hong
The Parable of the Sower
The Parable of the Sower Luke Luke 8:1–21 Tom Oates
Passionate Thanksgiving
Passionate Thanksgiving Luke Luke 7:36–50 Tom Oates
The LORD Alone is God
The LORD Alone is God 1 Kings 1 Kings 18:17-40 Dan Hong