Faliure to Understand Mark Mark 8:22-38 Tom Oates
Category: Uncategorized
Paul’s Agenda for the Church
Paul’s Agenda for the Church Romans Romans 16:17-27 Tom Oates
A Case Study on a Weak and a Strong Church
A Case Study on a Weak and a Strong Church Romans Romans 14, 15 Tom Oates
Christian Living
Christian Living Romans Romans 13:1-7 Tom Oates
Transformed Christians Transforming the World
Transformed Christians Transforming the World Romans Romans 12:9-21 Tom Oates
True Worshipper
True Worshipper Romans Romans 12:1-2 Tom Oates
Worship Romans Romans 12:1-2 Tom Oates
The Jews and the Gospel
The Jews and the Gospel Romans Romans 11:1-24 Tom Oates
Freedom from Sin and Fear
Freedom from Sin and Fear Guest Speaker Romans 6:5-14 Ken Simpson
Freedom at Last
Freedom at Last Easter Sunday Acts 13:26-43 Tom Oates