High Church: The Biblical View of Church Psalm Psalm 122 Tom Oates
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Home at Last
Home at Last Psalm Psalm 122 Tom Oates
The Master Plan
The Master Plan Genesis Genesis 2:18-25 Craig Dyer
Session 3: Battle for Servant Leadership
Session 3: Battle for Servant Leadership Men’s Retreat 1 John 2:12 Craig Dyer
Session 2: Battle for Sexual Purity
Session 2: Battle for Sexual Purity Men’s Retreat Matthew 5:27 Craig Dyer
Session 1: Battle for Personal Integrity
Session 1: Battle for Personal Integrity Men’s Retreat 1 Samuel 12 Craig Dyer
The God of Keeping Grace
The God of Keeping Grace Psalm Psalm 121 Tom Oates
The Prayer of the Outsider
The Prayer of the Outsider Psalm Psalm 120 Tom Oates
The Ultimate Insult
The Ultimate Insult Luke Luke 20:9-19 Tom Oates
Under Pressure: Learning from Christ’s Priorities
Under Pressure: Learning from Christ’s Priorities Mark Mark 1:14-45 Dave Vinton