What Are You Doing? 1 John 1John 2:2-27 Tom Oates
Category: Uncategorized
Who Are You With?
Who Are You With? 1 John 1John 1:1-2:2 Tom Oates
God’s Power Shown in Weakness
God’s Power Shown in Weakness Mark Mark 4:35:41 Tom Oates
Power through Weakness
Power through Weakness Mark Mark 4:1-34 Tom Oates
Christ Opposed
Christ Opposed Mark Mark 1:40-2:17 Tom Oates
What’s the Point of Being a Christian?
What’s the Point of Being a Christian? Malachi Malachi 3:13-4:6 Jim Walford
Covenant Corruption and an Unfaithful People
Covenant Corruption and an Unfaithful People Malachi Malachi 2:1-16 Jim Walford
Woolly Worship and a Forgotten God
Woolly Worship and a Forgotten God Malachi Malachi 1:1-14 Jim Walford
The Way and the Work of Christ
The Way and the Work of Christ Mark Mark 1:9-39 Tom Oates
Failure to Stand
Failure to Stand Mark Mark 14:3-31 Tom Oates